It's Not Exactly How Your Dreamed It...

By now, you imagined you would be doing something you love. After spending countless late nights studying for your real estate exam while balancing motherhood and a full-time job, you thought you would be somewhere else.

Like a career you’re ACTUALLY passionate about.

Or, being your own Joanna Gaines. You might have had a dream of being part of a significant moment for home buyers. You wanted to share in the joy when a first-time home buyer — who seemed like the cards were stacked against them — finally gets to call a house “their home”

It’s the thoughts of joy, freedom, and passion that drove you to become a real estate agent in the first place.

Whatever the exact reason you became a real estate agent, it acted as your “Big Why” to help you get through the initial weeks and months as a real estate agent.

But… all the moments you dreamed of seem far and few in between. They’re gone faster than a blink. If you’re lucky, you get a taste of freedom, passion, or joy once or twice a month.

Perhaps, you haven’t even had those first moments because you’re still trying to get your first sale.

Instead of showing homes, helping clients reach their goals, and earning the kind of money that will give you the freedom you wish for, you’re bogged down with learning how to write contracts, the countless lead generation tactics you “should” try, and pounding the phone begging friends and family to work with you.

NOBODY really becomes a real estate agent because they love lead generation, marketing, sales and chasing down leads.

But, you constantly find yourself spending hours each week on activities that are sucking the soul out of you.

Now, you’re asking yourself, “What’s the point? Why spend all of this time, money and effort for a few moments of joy?”

What if… rather than chasing leads, you could set up a system one time that authentically and naturally attracts leads and clients that are ready-to-work with you.

Imagine you wake up and see emails like this in your inbox. All for doing practically NOTHING.

It wasn’t from pounding the phone chasing down leads. Or, focusing on hundreds of hours of open houses or floor time. 

All of these leads convert into clients rather easily. Imagine by the time you walk through the front door, your leads are ready to work with you.

You have Zillow leads that stop ghosting. Buyers that actually show up to appointments. Open House leads that are excited to answer your phone call when you follow up with them.

And, naturally generate leads that are calling you and reaching out to you practically begging to work with you.

How would that change your real estate career? Suddenly, you could focus more time on showing and listing homes. The fun parts of being a real estate agent.

You could earn more — both because you can hit higher gross commission goals and second because you’re spending far less money on marketing.

Your Phone Calls Are Being Ignored For A Reason

Here’s a lesson I learned early in my career: your phone calls, emails, and marketing efforts are being ignored for a reason.

There is a good chance, every day, you’re unknowingly shooting yourself in the foot. You’re making lead generation, conversion, and real estate harder and more expensive than it has to be.

Your potential clients and leads are researching you BEFORE they ever agree to go a step further with you in the home buying or selling process.

Those calls you’re making to Zillow leads? 

Most of them don’t answer and immediately Google your phone number. They browse your agent profile…

…What do they find?

If you’re like most agents, they find a generic, boring profile that makes them sound like everyone else.

You could have the best conversation with a cold lead and they even sound like they’re going to show up to your appointment, but the moment they hang up, they research you and decide to ghost you.

Your agent profile is a small hinge that can swing big doors.

It has the power to boost your conversion rates, get more results from your current marketing, and generate leads organically for practically doing nothing.

Plus, your agent profile is as close to “set-it-and-forget-it” as you can get. Most other lead generation strategies require you to constantly put in the work.

Make more calls. Send more letters. Host more open houses. Sit longer on floor time.

So, if you’re looking for a way to earn more from your current lead generation efforts and lay the foundation for a strategy that naturally attracts read-to-work-with-you leads, then let me introduce you to… 


Agent Profile Blueprint is the ONLY step-by-step program built exclusively for real estate agents who want to craft the perfect agent profile that connects authentically with leads so that you can earn more while spending less time and money on marketing, sell less, and build a “near-set-it-and-forget-it” lead generation system even if you don’t consider yourself a writer or marketer.

When it comes to our agent profiles, I believe we all missed the point — to tell a story that creates magic, relation, and invites conversation.

Instead, we look at what everybody else is doing and copy. We replace their name with ours. Their headshot with ours. Their background and accomplishments with ours.

And, if we want to realize our real estate agent dreams, we have to stop playing copy-cat games. We have to find a way to show who we really are. We have to show up authentically. Be true to ourselves.

This course includes frameworks and a step-by-step process for writing your real estate agent bio, but it’s more than that.

We also talk about your agent headshot, how to stand out from the competition in “Agent Finder”, and crafting a profile that shines.

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to use your agent profile to earn more while selling less, even if you don’t consider yourself a writer or have gotten stumped by writer’s block in the past.
  • The best methods for connecting authentically and attracting “ready-to-work-with-you” clients.
  • The real reasons your friends decided to work with another real estate agent, even though you’ve know them for 15+ years.
  • The EXACT framework I used to generate nearly $15,000 in GCI my first year as a real estate agent by basically doing NOTHING. No cold calling.
  • Why your current lead generation methods aren’t producing the production volume you really want
  • The biggest mistake most real estate agents make in their agent bio that INSTANTLY turns away potential leads and clients and what to do instead.
  • The REAL reason your Zillow leads or open house leads ghost you even after having an AMAZING conversation that sounded like they were going to work with you.
  • How to stand out in a competitive landscape even if you’ve never sold a home or lack the gazillion reviews of top-performing real estate agents and the hidden technique to circumvent the competition.
  • Why “selling yourself” isn’t the best approach in your real estate agent bio, and what to do instead.
  • How to create and pick an agent headshot that is authentic to you AND stands out from the sea of other agents.
  • Why just a few words can mean the difference between a client hiring you, or one of your competitors -- and how to use that knowledge to your advantage.
  • How to authentically and naturally attract your ideal clients WITHOUT coming across as salesy or inauthentic.
  • The secret to generating MORE leads and sales WITHOUT spending a dollar more on another marketing or lead generation strategy.
  • The method for crafting a guiding star statement so you can create any profile on any site — from LinkedIn to Zillow to Facebook.
  • The best method to STOP sales from feeling salesy. Hint: most agents think certain tactics are what makes them salesy. 
  • Why Your “professional” headshot is actually hurting your ability to generate leads and clients
  • A repeatable process you can use again and again — for any bio. You’ll learn our “Guiding Star Statement” method and how you can use it FOR any bio or profile.
  • The surprising technique for preventing writer’s block and how a certain focus can help you craft your agent bio in under one hour.

Enroll And Build Your Profile

Course Modules

    1. Welcome

    2. Before You Go...

    1. The Power of Agent Archetypes

    2. The 12 Agent Archetypes

    3. Finding & Picking Your Archetype

    1. The Foundation To Your Headshot

    2. Using Pinterest For Inspiration

    3. Hiring A Photographer (Affordably)

    1. Guiding Star Statement: Make Writing Easier

    2. Double Adjective Technique: Be More Than An Agent

    3. X-Factor: What Makes You Unique & Different?

    4. Writing To One Person: The Right Way to Niche Down

    5. Plain English Outlines

    6. Beef Up Your Profile: Adding Details

    7. Hire A Writer: When & How to Hire

    1. Overcome Lead's & Client's Doubts

    2. Are You Using Sales Language?

    1. What's Next?

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Enroll And Build Your Profile


  • Will I Get Full Access To The Course?

    Full access to the course will begin when we launch on July 15th. At this time, by pre-enrolling, you are saving your spot at a discounted rate.

  • Can I Try Before I Buy?

    There’s no way to try the full-course. You can watch the Welcome video in this course to get an idea what the course is about, the outcomes you can expect, and reasons to build your agent profile.

  • What’s the Refund Policy?

    At the moment, there is no money back guarantee. The price of the product is fairly low and there is tremendous value.

  • What If I Can’t Write?

    This course is designed for non-writers. You will go through the frameworks and step-by-step process so that your bio is 80% done before you ever stare at a screen and have to type.

Pre-enroll And Build Your Profile